This page contains:

  • Sri Lanka Brief fact Sheets
  • Sri Lanka Brief Briefing Notes

Sri Lanka  Brief Fact Sheets

Sep 2014; Fact Sheet No 01  PDF SLB Fact sheet No 01 Sep. 2014 Violations of the Right to Freedom of Expression

Sep 2014: Fact Sheet No 02 PDF SLB Fact Sheet 02 Sep. 2014 Violations of the Right to Freedom of Religion (March – August 2014)

Sri Lanka Brief Briefing Notes: Under construction 

Sri Lanka Brief Briefing Notes:

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 32 June 2024:Sri-Lanka-Briefing-Notes-No-32-June-2024-1

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 31 March 2024: Sri Lanka Briefing Note 31 Nawaz Report on TRC 250324

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 30 September 2023:SLB Briefing Note 30. Sep 23 The Story and Expectations of Sri Lanka Hill Country Tamil Community

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 28 -1 June 2023:SLB_28_-June-2023-Suppression-of-Dissent-in-Sri-Lanka-PDF

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 28 March 2023:SLB-Briefing-Note-March-2023-A-Dossier-on-SDIG-Tennakoon


Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 26, June 2022:Briefing Notes Issue 26 Violent Attack on Peaceful Protest site and Accountability of Rajapaksa family

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 25February 2022:  SLB Briefing Note No 24. Easter Sunday Attacks, Accountability, Justice, and the Deep State

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 24September 2021:SLB Briefing Note 24 Sep 2021- Independent Commissions under 20 A and CIABOC

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 23September 2021Sri Lanka Briefing Note 23 – Prevention of Terrorism Act – Commitments and Practice 

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 23_1, September 2021:SL Briefing Note 23 Prevention of Child Abuse in Sri Lanka Impediments & Opportunities

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 22, June 2021:  Sri Lanka Briefing Note 22 The Environment, Sri Lanka’s newest Human Rights Front  

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 21 April 2021:Sri Lanka Briefing Note April 2021 Report of the CoI into Political Victimizations & Rule of Law, the Judiciary, Judicial Process in Sri Lanka  SriLanka Briefing Note April 2021 Annex of 50 decisions of the CoI

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 20, Feb 2021Note on Serious Political Victimisation by PCoI and Special PCoI in Sri Lanka Advanced copy Feb 2021

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 19:

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No18:

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 17:

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 16: SLB-Briefing-Note-no-16-September-2019

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 15:

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 14: Sri-Lanka-Briefing-Note-No-14-Feb.-2019

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No13:Sri-Lanka-Briefing-Note-No-13-March-2018

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 12- September 2015 :Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 12 Sep 2016 Transitional Justice, Reconciliation and Voices of the Affected

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 11 10 June 2015:  2015 : VOICES OF CIVIL SOCIETY:
Briefing-Note-Sri-Lanka-No-11-HRC32 (1)

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No10: SriLanka-briefing-Note-No-10-Sep-2015- SRI LANKA 2015 – AFTER THE REGIME CHANGE

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 09 September 2013:slb-briefing-notes-no-7-march-2013-critique-on-the-llrc-national-plan-of-action-and-its-implementation

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 08 June June 2013 Briefing Note No 08 Feb 204 _ Whither Reconciliation, Accountability and Rule of Law in Sri Lanka _

10 March 2014: Sri Lanka Briefing Note, Special Topic 8/2

Reprisals against HRDs in Sri Lanka: Civil Society Organisations accused by state broadcaster for their appeal to UNHRC

Sri Lanka Briefing note 8/3 – 24 March 2014: Reprisals against Muslim Minister for sharing information with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Sri Lanka Brief Briefing note 8-3 24 March 2014 Reprisals against Muslim Minister 

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 07 March 2013:slb-briefing-notes-no-7-march-2013-critique-on-the-llrc-national-plan-of-action-and-its-implementation

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 06:slb-bf-no-6-march-2013-masking-inaction

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 05 2012Human Rights situation in the North of Sri Laka 2012

slb-briefing-notes-no-5-hr-situation-in-north-sri-lanka-2012 (1) 

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 04:

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 03 –  March 2012: LLRC RECOMMENDATIONS: DENIAL, DISTORTION AND NON-IMPLEMENTATION slb-briefing-note-no-3-march-2012-llrc-recommendations-denial-distortion-and-non-implementation

Sri Lanka Briefing Note, No 02:  June 2012:slb-monthly-bf-no-2-june-2013

Sri Lanka Briefing Note No 01:



Sri Lanka Brief Position Papers:

  • Sri Lanka Brief Position paper  /28 April 2014

UNHRC Resolution A/HRC/25/L.1/Rev.1, and Reactions of the Sri Lanka Political and Civil Organisations

Read full report below or as a PDF: UNHRC Resolution _2014 March_ and Responses form SL political parties

  • Sri Lanka Brief Position Paper/July 2013

Read the full report as a PDF: 13th Amendment to the Constitution (Devolution of Power) and positions of the Political parties

Sri Lanka Monthly report | Issue No 02 – June 2013 Period covered: 1 May 2013 – 31 May 2013

Read as a PDF SLB Monthly Briefing Notes No 2 June 2013

Implementation Progress of the UN Resolution On Sri Lanka,  /HRC/22/L.1/Rev.13


UN Human Rights High Commissioner Navanethem Pillay has accepted the invitation by the Government of Sri Lanka to visit Sri Lanka and the visit will take place from 25 to 31 August 2013. GoSL has not agreed to invite any of the UN Special Rapporteurs, whose requests to visit Sri Lanka are pending. Continue reading

Sri Lanka Monthly Briefing Note | Issue No 01 – 1 May 2013

Implementation Progress of the UN Resolution On Sri Lanka, A/HRC/22/L.1/Rev.13

Sri Lanka Monthly Briefing Note | Issue No 01 – 1 May 2013
Period covered: 22 March 2013 – 31 April 2013

Read the full report as a PDF Sri Lanka Monthly Briefing Note Issue No 01 – 1 May 2013

LLRC report at a glance – Sri Lanka Brief Report

President Rajapaksha appointed the Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission LLRC) of Sri Lanka by extraordinary gazette notification dated 16th June 2010. The establishment of the commission was a direct response to the growing call for independent international investigation in to alleged violations of International Human rights and Humanitarian Law during the last phase of war between the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Continue reading