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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Website owners seek legal action : Will regime scoundrels have even a stinking drain to hide themselves when their dismal end comes?

(Lanka-e-News) The owners of websites and Editors are gearing to file legal suits against the imposing of illegal bans on websites . It is also reported that media Organizations are also getting ready to file another case against the ban . The ban is clearly illegal as it is an absolute denial of media rights and the right to information of the public, and therefore constituting a violation of fundamental rights.
According to the official notification of the Director General of Govt. news , there had supposedly been a number of complaints to the media and information Ministry from individuals about character assassinations and defamation in the websites .

Is the Ministry so ignorant or abounding with buffoons as not to know that it is not the judicial Court to make a determination on those complaints. If there is a grouse against the website, the complaint can be lodged with the Press Complaints Commission , and if there is no response , court action can be had recourse to. While all these legal avenues are open , the Media Secretary (well noted for his nefarious activities published in this website many a time ),using others’ names of those under him ,and under various guises seeking to take the law into his hands is unpardonable not to mention intolerable. This media Secretary who is smarting under the sordid exposures of him made in our earlier articles, must first rectify his own weaknesses which are denting not only his reputation , but also that of the Minister and the Ministry. This Secretary must first clear his own stinking garbage bin before he digs those of others. He must change his character from wizened old ‘father in love’ (showing love to young daughters of others) to a true Secretary in love for his job for which he is appointed without smearing the names of the Minister and the Ministry. It is learnt that this Secretary has cowardly compelled a Professor , the news Director to officially send out a notice according to his fanciful needs .

Interestingly , the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) Chairman , Hudson Samarasinghe from dusk to dawn without pausing for a moment is delivering long discourses on media virtues and safeguards . Where were the Hudsons , mudsons and soil’s sons when the website was burnt down? Where were these so called champions of media freedom hiding when media personnel were being murdered , jailed and were caused to disappear?

On top of all these atrocities and hypocrisies , the worst joke perpetrated by the regime and its
 clowns is the instructions issued by them that all websites within and without Sri Lanka (SL) posting news on SL people shall be registered immediately with the media and information Ministry. This means that no media in the world can publish Sri lanka news. In other words , websites publishing SL tourism information, as well as google map and Wikipedia websites which post Lanka news must also register with the SL media and information Ministry , based on this notice. Of course , it was long before known that lunatics and fanatics abound in the media Ministry , but now after this notice was published , it is confirmed that the entire lunatic asylum and its inmates are housed in this Ministry.

It is very evident that the news director who is seeking to publish the truth and factual situation in the country is himself in a quagmire ( due to undue pressure exerted by ‘father in love’ Secretary) because of the profusion of lies the regime is turning out every minute of the day . In order to camouflage a lie when it is exposed , a hundred lies are produced by the Regime’s lie factory, and so forth. This has created an eternal vicious cycle of lie multiplication .Consequently , the media and information Ministry is drowned in a Tsunami of lies and deceptions with the regime rudderless and aimless now drifting in all directions in an uncharted sea , desperately struggling to save itself from the inevitable end- sinking to the deepest depths . At least Gadaffi of Libya found a drain to hide before he was caught and killed like a dog. Whether the regime’s chief of Lanka and his sidekicks will be left with even a stinking drain to hide in the circumstances, is however in doubt .


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