10.5 C
Sunday, March 9, 2025

UNSG report prejudiced, says OPA

The Organization of Professional Associations (OPA) says that the UN Report of the Advisory panel of Experts on Sri Lanka commissioned by the UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon is “unsubstantiated, flawed, presumptuous, irrational and prejudiced.”

“The conclusions in the said report are an attempt to undermine the humanitarian efforts by the Government of Sri Lanka to bring about reconciliation among communities and to develop areas that were forcibly occupied by the LTTE, holding the inhabitants captive,” the OPA said in a news release.

The release signed by OPA President Uditha H. Palihakkara, claims the report has exceeded whatever mandate purported to have been given by the UNSG and encroaches on the sovereignty of Sri Lanka by advocating constitutional changes including repealing of emergency regulations and the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).

The OPA calls on the professional community as well as the people of the country and all leaders of all political parties to support the Government to thwart attempts by vested interest groups to bring about disharmony, disunity and division within the people and the country.

The news release pointed out that the government, after continued efforts to peacefully resolve issues relating to acts of terrorism, had no option but to use its armed forces for humanitarian purposes to rescue the people who were being forcibly held by the LTTE.

The statement adds “since the defeat of the LTTE, the entire nation is living in peace and working towards the development of the country. Earlier these efforts were thwarted by LTTE acts of terrorism,” the release added.


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