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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Suspects Arrested Under PTA To Be Offered Rehabilitation

( Activists protest in Colombo, Aug 2016; ©s.deshapriya)

The Government has decided to offer rehabilitation to some suspects arrested under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).

The Ministry of Resettlement and Rehabilitation said that the rehabilitation offer is being made to 23 of 96 suspects arrested over alleged links to the LTTE.

The Minister of Rehabilitation D.M. Swaminathan has spoken to the Attorney General to amend the indictments of 23 of the suspects.

The 23 pending cases and trials under the PTA that are before the High Court will be considered by the Attorney General’s Department, to facilitate a plea.

“The plea would be facilitated if the suspects are willing to commit to the six month rehabilitation programme carried out by the Bureau of the Commissioner General of Rehabilitation,” a spokesperson said.

The Ministry of Resettlement and Rehabilitation says the 23 suspects who will be offered rehabilitation had been arrested for minor offences. (Colombo Gazette)


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