In comparison, countries in the same region with similar economic structures employ far fewer public workers. For instance, India employs 9%, Vietnam 8%, and Bangladesh only 5% of their workforce in the public sector.
This has resulted in high costs, despite the low wages paid to the public sector. In 2023, the Sri Lankan government spent LKR 940 billion—20% of its recurrent budget and 31% of its revenue—on public sector salaries. Over the past decade, an average of 23% of government spending has gone to salaries, leaving limited funds for vital areas like healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

The analysis is performed on countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia with populations greater than 5 million. This analysis uses the latest available employment data for each country. Sri Lanka’s data is from 2023, for the others the data is from 2021 onwards, except for Nepal (2017) and India (2019).
Central Bank of Sri Lanka, ‘Prices, Wages, and Employment’, at [last accessed 19 November 2024].
World Bank, ‘Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicators’, at [last accessed 19 November 2024].
International Labour Organization, ‘ILOSTAT Database’, at [last accessed 19 November 2024].