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Sri Lanka: Vaccination mandatory for public places including transport from 30 April 2022

Sri Lanka government has issued an extraordinary gazette making a  vaccine mandate for banning unvaccinated people from entering public places including transport without specified vaccination proof w.e.f. April 30, 2022 unless exempted by Proper Authority. Regulations under the Quarantine and Prevention of Diseases Ordinance.

It is not clear this vaccine mandate is only for Sri Lankans or it will be applied to foreign tourists as well. 

Without a electronically verifiable barcode, a vaccine certificate  can  be forged and given the messy situation of  public transport in Sri Lanka this regulation is almost difficult to implement, a medical professional told Sri Lanka Brief.

The relevant section of the gazette follows:

(2) by the insertion immediately after regulation 99 thereof, of the following new regulations :-
“100. Directions, Guidelines and Circulars :- (1) The Proper Authority in respect of the whole of Sri Lanka may, where he considers it necessary for the safety of the people, from time to time, issue such directions, guidelines, circulars, instructions, or press releases determining the terms and conditions relating to disease control and disease preventive safety measures. Such directions, guidelines, circulars, instructions, or press releases which
may include any matter relating to such disease control and disease preventive safety measures shall be issued for such period as may be determined by the Proper Authority in respect of the whole of Sri Lanka.

(2) It shall be the duty of every person to comply with such directions, guidelines, circulars, instructions, or press releases issued under sub-regulation (1).

101. (1) A person shall not enter any public place without having the proof of being fully vaccinated against the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID – 19) unless exempted by the Proper Authority in respect of the whole of Sri Lanka.

For the purposes of this regulation “fully vaccinated ” means that the relevant person has obtained the required doses of the relevant vaccination as specified by the Director – General of Health Services.

(2) The Proper Authority in respect of the whole of Sri Lanka, may from time to time, determine the following in relation to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID – 19) : –
(a) proof of being fully vaccinated ;
(b) exceptional circumstances to exempt a person from vaccination ; and
(c) age groups eligible to receive the vaccination

(3) Every determination made under sub-regulation (2) shall be published in the official website of the Ministry of Health as a guideline or a circular or be released as a press release or a public notice.

(4) The exemption certificate to be issued to persons who have been exempted from the relevant vaccination against the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID – 19) shall be specified by guidelines issued by the Proper Authority in respect of the whole of Sri Lanka from time to time.

(5) The provisions of this regulations shall come into operation on April 30, 2022.”.

The gazette in full: 2264-09_E


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