by Ashanthi Warunasuirya.
However, when we look at what is currently taking place in the country, it is doubtful as to whether any real change has taken place. On several occasions we have witnessed Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe unleashing his wrath upon media institutions by openly criticising them. One may argue that anyone should have the right to criticize but his words carried a message of threat rather than constructive criticism. All in all, the Prime Minister’s conduct has now become subject to wide discussion.
The Prime Minister who has from time to time since coming to powerlambasted the media, once again took on the media on Saturday, warning certain media organisations against playing with his government, and also threatening to reveal names of certain journalists who benefited financially during the previous government. Speaking at an event held in Kandy on Saturday, Wickremesinghe said that certain print media organisations were conspiring against the current government because they (journalists) too have been hit since the change of government.
“Some of the rogues are trying to overthrow the government, and this includes print media journalists who are conspiring against the government. Over the next few days, I will reveal names of these journalists who benefited from the previous government. These journalists ate with them and even took money,” Wickremesinghe said.
Wickremesinghe also criticized two English language newspapers in the country, the Daily Mirror and the Financial Times.
“The Daily Mirror is telling us to remove Mangala Samaraweera as Foreign Minister. Sometime back, even the Daily Mirror editor said I should quit. I think she is the one who should go; if not we must see what we can do about it,” he said.
Wickremesinghe also criticized the Financial Times saying it too was playing a part in conspiring against the government. “If rogues are trying to topple the government then we are ready to take them on,” the Prime Minister declared.
“Do not play with this government; we came to power with a mandate from the people. If they tell us to leave in five years, then we will, but we won’t go just because rogues want us to leave,” Wickremesinghe added.
The Sunday Leader sought the opinions of several media personalities, intellectuals and civil society representatives regarding the gravity of these harsh statements made by the Premier. Following are excerpts of some of their comments.
New media oppression tactics
Kelum Shivantha Rodrigo, Editor, Sri Lanka Mirror.
Kelum Shivantha RodrigoMedia harassment is not a new thing in Sri Lanka. For many years we witnessed how the authorities tried to silence media by using any means necessary. After assuming office, the new government was able to reduce the level of mediaoppressionto a certain extent. But still no local or international organisation has named Sri Lanka as a country with proper media freedom. Recently the Prime Minister publicly threatened several media institutions by naming them. As I see it, there are two modes of media oppression practiced by the present government and its predecessor.
The Rajapaksa regime never threatened any media openly. Their method was secretly abducting any person who objected to their views by using white vans or making them flee the country in fear of their lives. Under this method many senior journalists such as Sunanda Deshapriya and Poddala Jayantha had to flee the country and spend time in custody. Some even had to pay the ultimate price with their lives for speaking against the regime.
The present government is carrying out the same level of oppression but by using different tactics. However, no government that had attempted to suppress media freedom was able to last long in power. Media is not a force that can be held at bay with threats. Although there may be a handful of journalists who work for money and privileges, the majority of media is unbiased and independent. They can never be intimidated by threats.
Although we have exposed countless corrupt deals of the previous government with evidence that could bring the culprits before justice, the Prime Minister has so far paid no attention toanything in that regard. Instead, he has started to accuse those who exposed the culprits.
There has never been a perfect government and there never will be. There are problems in the Wickremesinghe government. There are many thieves in this government. This government is not as white as we think.Even though the governments have changed, it’s the same people who are in charge. The culprits have not changed.
This is a serious issue. The previous government was able to skillfully control many media institutions by buying off their bosses. They hoped that it would break down the unity of media organisations. They lavishly gave out privileges and high positions to these media chiefs. If a government tries to buy off journalists by giving out positions and privileges, that is a serious problem.
As a head of a media institution, I would severely criticize the conduct of the Prime Minister. It is not up to the government to attempt to do the duty of the media by trying to assault its opponents in public. There is an accepted way of responding to criticism. The government can respond to any criticism made against them by following that correct procedure. If something wrong has been done, the government has the right to take legal action. Instead, it cannot go berserk in front of the public.
If journalists have taken bribes, a complaint can be lodged at the Bribery Commission. Such corrupt practices are a disgrace to the media as well. There is no debate about that. But it is wrong to make false allegations against those who are speaking against the government’s mistakes. We are not against the government taking legal action against those who have taken bribes but we will stand against all false allegations.
Media can enjoy their freedom, PM can enjoy his
Karunaratne Paranawithana, Deputy Media Minister
Karunaratne ParanawithanaThe Prime Minister has said that there are overall opinions that are continuously played by several media organisations, which is wrong.