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Sri Lanka: declaration of Muslim organisations related to recent incidents

Jan 30, 2019.

 The plurality of religions is a reality of the human experience. All religions acknowledge this fact undeniably. No religion encourages blasphemous or humiliating acts towards other religions.

Islam strongly condemns blasphemy against other religions and offending the feelings of followers of other religions. The Holy Quran guides us in very clear terms: “Do not revile those whom they invoke other than Allah,”[6:108]
It is evident that the religion of Islam, which does not permit abuse of other religious deities, certainly does not permit humiliation of other religions nor permits its followers to offend the feelings of the followers of other religions.

Throughout history, the Muslim community has been living in peace and tranquility among other communities, and has also immensely contributed in various aspects to the development of the country. Thus, any blasphemous or unlawful activity under the name of religion or ethnicity, shall not be tolerated by the Muslim Community. Furthermore the entire Muslim Community strongly condemns any sort of activity under the banner of Islam, which resorts to extremism and blasphemy.

Recently an incident occurred that hurt the feelings of the Buddhist community and some suspects were arrested. After necessary investigations, they should be brought to book and punishments be meted out if they are proven guilty, regardless of whoever they are. At the same time, effective measures should be taken to ensure prevalence of peace and tranquility among all communities within the country. Effective strategies should be formulated and implemented, especially for the guidance of youth, by places of religious worship and civil organizations island wide.

In the absence of an official declaration from the government concerning the said incident, the Muslim community is concerned that the circulation of unconfirmed news, rumours and false assumptions, might disrupt the unity and coexistence prevailing among the communities. Therefore Media institutions, abiding by accepted standards of ‘Media Ethics’, are kindly requested to conduct themselves in a responsible manner while preserving the unity and coexistence that has for centuries prevailed among the communities of this country.

The recent incidents which occurred in Sri Lanka also prove that individuals who carry out religious blasphemy exist in all religions. It is sad to note that from time to time, some people involve in blasphemy against other religions and harm the lives and properties of other religious communities. The disastrous incidents which occurred in the recent past clearly attests to this. If this unpleasant culture of violence continues, the prevalence of peace and prosperity in our motherland that was achieved by all citizens together over all these years, will become a very arduous and challenging task in future.

We urge the Government to ensure peace and tranquility in our beloved country by utilizing all means, such as Intelligence officers to get to the truth and the whole truth behind these incidents, the Police who maintain law and order, the security forces who protect each and all of us and the judicial authorities who establish justice, and be vigilant with regard to anyone acting against the peace and tranquility of our beloved island, irrespective of race or religion.

  1. All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama – ACJU
  2. Advocacy & Reconciliation Council – ARC
  3. Al-Kafaala Foundation
  4. All Ceylon Thawheed Jamath – ACTJ
  5. All Ceylon Young Men’s Muslim Association Conference – YMMA
  6. All University Muslim Students’ Association – AUMSA
  7. Al-Muslimath
  8. Association of Muslim Youth of Sailan – AMYS
  9. Centre for Islamic Studies – CIS
  10. Colombo District Masjid Federation – CDMF
  11. Families Relief Sri Lanka Trust
  12. Federation Of All Mosques In Ampara District
  13. Federation of Sri Lanka Arabic Colleges
  14. International Islamic Relief Organization – IIRO
  15. Sri Lanka Islamic Center
  16. Jama’athus Salama
  17. Jamaath Ansari Sunnathil Muhammadiyya of Sri Lanka – JASM
  18. Sri Lanka Islamic Students’ Movement
  19. Kandy City Masjid Federaion – KCMF
  20. Markaz Islamic Center
  21. Muslim Aid
  22. Muslim Council of Sri Lanka – MCSL
  23. Muslim Women’s Research and Action Front – MWRAF
  24. Nida Foundation
  25. Shazuliyya Thareeka


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