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Friday, October 25, 2024

Sinhala-Buddhist temple opened to ‘celebrate’ genocide at Mu’l’livaaykkaal

Coinciding the third anniversary of Mu’l’livaaykkaal genocide, a secretly built Sinhala-Buddhist stupa was inaugurated at Vaddu-vaakal, the entrance to the Mu’l’livaaykkaal genocidal strip of land in Mullaiththeevu. As the Tamil public is yet to be allowed into the stretch of land, the building of the stupa at the genocidal site went unnoticed until its inauguration.
Two weeks ago, Colombo opened a coastal road built by Chinese, linking Mu’l’livaaukkaal with Kokku’laay and Pulmoaddai where Sinhala colonisation takes place in high speed. Mu’l’livaaykkaal has already become a ‘tourist’ place for the Sinhalese from the South. While the ‘tourists’ and the Sinhala colonists using the new road are permitted to roam in the stretch of land, Tamils are not permitted to get out of the vehicles. The stupa, with an all-Sinhalese signboard has been built at the side of the new road.

The Sinhala-Buddhist stupa at Vadduvaakal at the entrance to the strip of Mu’l’livaaykkaal. While the Tamil public was not allowed to enter the region, the stupa was secretely built and inaugurated recently.

Vaddu-vaakal where the Sinhala-Buddhist stupa is built is the spot from where one enters the Mu’l’li-vaaykkaal strip from the southern side. The place is also close to Vattaap-pazhai, the famous pilgrim centre of Eezham Tamils in Vanni.

Buddhist temples are recently opened at Saiva sacred places in Mannaar and Trincomalee. The Jaffna city itself will be welcoming visitors from the seaside with a massive Buddhist stupa.

The Chinese-built coastal highway linking Pulmoaddai, Kokku’laay and Mullaiththeevu with Mu’l’livaaykkaal will be extended further north along the coast, up to Point Pedro in the northern tip of Jaffna.

The Chinese built road from Pulmoaddai to Mu’l’livaaykkaal which will be extended to Point Pedro. Click to enlarge. [Map by TamilNet]

All along this coast, Sinhala fishermen have already been brought by the occupying military.

The master plan to Sinhalicize all the coasts of Eezham Tamils to imprison them permanently in their land, is implemented with open nakedness.

The Tamil memory of the genocide is ridiculed with open contempt by the Sinhala military celebrating victory at Palaali and the Sinhala-Buddhists building a ‘temple’ at the strip of land where the genocide was committed.

While any hoodwink from India, USA and the West about finding solution within ‘united Sri Lanka’ is openly and hurriedly countered and pre-empted by the structural genocide of the Sinhala state to make such solutions totally meaningless, the question that who among them are the real culprits is now widely asked by Eezham Tamils.

The anger is turning more and more towards India and the USA, and who ever talks about ‘united’ Sri Lanka, gives assurances to the territorial ‘integrity’ of the genocidal state to continue with the structural genocide and advises Tamils to abide by the so-called international community.

The Indian parliamentary team of the Congress, BJP and CPI-M didn’t utter a word on the on-going colonisation, Sinhalicisation and Buddhicisation.

The Indian diplomat in Jaffna chose to attend the victory celebrations of the occupying Sinhala military at Palaali during the week Tamils were bereaving the genocide.
The Sinhala-Buddhist stupa at the genocidal ground of Vadduvaakal. Note the all-Sinhala board mutilating the place name Mullaith-theevu.


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