16.1 C
Thursday, March 6, 2025

A Power Sharing Arrangement Between ‘President Sirisena & PM Wikremasinghe’ Envisaged

[Mangala Samaraweera: There will be no executive prime minister]

The Memorandum of  Understanding (moU) between the common candidate Maithripala Sirisena and  supporting political parties will be singed on next Monday the 1st  Mangala Samaaweera (MP) told media today. The signing ceremony  will be chaired by the Convener of National Movement for Just Society Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero .

At the previous occasion when the MoU was scheduled to be singed all the hotel concealed the booking giving  strange reasons Mr. Samaraweera further said.  Predicting that same situation may arise on the next Monday Mr. Samaraweera emphasised that  the MoU will be singed even on the road!  Further Mr. Samaraweera said that this is a not a time to argue for a party colour or symbol, but a decisive moment for to  topple the Rajapaksa regime.

Speaking at the  press conference at the UNP headquarters Sirikotha the former Foreign Minster of the Rajapaksa government (2005- 2007)  provided a out line of the MoU to be singed:

After the victory of the Common candidate Maithripala Sirisena UNP leader Ranil Wikremasinghe will be appointed as the Prime Minister. No executive powers will be bestowed  on the Prime Minister’s position. Mr. Wikremasinghe will be  the leader of the cabinet of ministers.

The interim government will  function according to the present constitution until the executive presidency is abolished, and other constitutional reforms introduced.

There will be a power sharing arrangement between the president elect Mr. Sirisena and PM Mr. Wikremasinghe. Mr. Sirisena will keep some of the ministries for himself.

The most desirable form of interim government will be a national government of all  political parties represented in the parliament.

Next general election would be held after or before the the term of the present Parliament ends in April 2016.

Watch  the video here




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