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Friday, March 7, 2025

Military invasion of Ukraine: Feminist Resistance Against War


(March 17, 2022) We profoundly condemn the military invasion led by the Putin regime in Ukraine, which has already left thousands of people dead and hundreds of thousands displaced, and which provokes a sharpening of the confrontation between imperialist blocs at the global level.

We reject the positions issued in recent days that deepen the warmongering spiral. We reject the decisions that involve adding more weapons to the conflict and increasing war budgets. We reject security narratives that reinforce authoritarian logic and militarization. Not in our name.

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We must remember that NATO is co-responsible for the situation created by its global expansionism and militaristic security narrative. Weapons perpetuate war, perpetuate barbarism, and perpetuate suffering. There is no greater security than peace.

With this manifesto we collect the call launched by Russian feminist groups and join the Feminist Resistance Against War! In this way, we recover the feminist thread of history that has participated in struggles against reactionary wars, from the movement led by Rosa Luxemburg in 1914, the Greenham Common anti-nuclear weapons camp of the 1980s, or the Women in Black movement against war, to name a few.

We are with the people of Ukraine who want to restore peace in their lives and demand a ceasefire. We are with the mobilized Russian citizens, who, despite the repression and threats of the authoritarian and repressive regime of Putin, demand to stop the military invasion.

That is why we say Feminist Resistance Against War. Behind the NO to War there is no naive position. The only real road to peace is the de-escalation of war. We demand a bold redirection of the situation to break the militaristic spiral initiated by Russia and supported by NATO. We demand the immediate cancellation of Ukraine’s foreign debt of 125 billion dollars as a concrete measure of support for the Ukrainian people and denounce the reforms and conditionality imposed by the IMF in recent years.

Learning from the painful experiences of war and conflict in Europe in the last century must mark our commitment and action. War is irreconcilable with the essential values ​​and goals of the feminist movement. We stand for peace, coexistence of peoples and a democratic solution to conflicts.



With this manifesto we collect the call launched by Russian feminist groups and join the Feminist Resistance Against War!

  1. Ailbhe Smyth, Ireland, feminist and LGTBQ activist
  2. Alba Flores, Spain, actress
  3. Alda Sousa, Portugal, former Member of European Parliament for the Bloco de Esquerda
  4. Amaia Pérez Orozco, Spain, feminist activist, writer, and economist
  5. Cinzia Arruzza, USA, co-author of Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto
  6. Françoise Nyffeler, Switzerland, parliamentarian, active member of the Grève Feministe collective and member of Solidarités
  7. Jules Falquet, France, Professor in the Department of Philosophy at University of París 8
  8. June Fernández, Spain, Pikara Magazine
  9. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, USA, Professor at Princeton University and author of From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation
  10. Lolita Chávez, Guatemala, feminist activist and Indigenous leader
  11. María Lobo, Spain, Anticapitalistas
  12. Fatoş Göksungür, Kurdistan
  13. Nancy Fraser, USA, Professor of Philosophy and Politics at The New School in New York, and co-author of Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto
  14. Özlem Demirel
  15. Sara Farris, Italy, Associate Professor, Goldsmiths, University of London
  16. Susan Ferguson, Canada, Associate Professor Emerita at Wilfrid Laurier University and feminist activist
  17. Talíria Petrone, Brazil, National Deputy for PSOL-Rio de Janeiro
  18. Teresa Rodríguez, Spain, parliamentarian for Adelante Andalucía
  19. Tithi Bhattacharya, USA, co-author of Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto
  20. Verónica Gago, Argentina, Professor at the University of Buenos Aires and feminist activist in the feminist collective Ni Una Menos
  21. Yayo Herrero, Spain, ecofeminist, anthropologist, technical agricultural engineer, graduate in social education, and spokesperson for the Transitions Forum
  22. Astrid Vang Hansen, Denmark, feminist activist and parliamentary candidate for the Red-Green Alliance
  23. Gudrun Gisladottir, Denmark, General Secretary of the European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism
  24. Almudena Cabezas, Spain, Profesora del Departamento de Ciencia Política y de la Administración III de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  25. Ana Villaverde, Spain, Parlamentaria de Adelante Andalucía, Anticapitalistas
  26. Anabel Sanz, Euskal Herria, FeministAlde
  27. Andrea Momoitio, Spain, Pikara Magazine
  28. Angeles Ramirez, Spain, Profesora UAM y antropóloga, Anticapitalistas
  29. Carmen Magallón, Spain, Liga Internacional de Mujeres por La Paz y la Libertad (WILPF)
  30. Elixabete Perez Gaztelu, Spain, Profesora Titular de Universidad
  31. Itziar Ruiz Jimenez, Spain, Profesora Relaciones Internacionales UAM y activista DDHH
  32. Judith Carreras, Spain, Presidenta de la Fundación Viento Sur
  33. Julia Cámara, Spain, Anticapitalistas
  34. Júlia Martí, Spain,, OMAL y Anticapitalistes
  35. Laura Villa, Spain, Profesora de Universidad, UAM
  36. Lorena Cabrerizo, Spain, Anticapitalistas
  37. Luisa Martín Rojo, Spain, Catedrática de Universidad, UAM
  38. Luci Nussbaum, Spain, Professora jubilada de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  39. Maite Puigdevall, Spain, Profesora de Universidad
  40. Manuela Mesa, Spain, Directora del Centro de Educación e Investigación para la Paz, CEIPAZ y co-directora del Instituto DEMOSPAZ-UAM
  41. MªÁngeles Fernández, Spain, Pikara Magazine
  42. Montserrat Garcerán, Spain, Catedrática de Filosofía y Fundación de los Comunes
  43. Nuria Alabao, Spain, Periodista en Ctxt y Fundación de los Comunes
  44. Pamela Palenciano, Spain, Activista feminista, actriz y monologuista de «No solo duelen los golpes»
  45. Sandra Ezquerra, Spain, Directora de la Cátedra UNESCO Mujeres, Desarrollo y Culturas de la Universidad de Vic
  46. Sara Babiker, Spain, Periodista del Salto y ElDiario.es
  47. Sonia Farré, Spain, Anticapitalistes
  48. Tere Maldonado, Euskal Herria, FeministAlde
  49. Teresa Villaverde, Spain, Pikara Magazine
  50. Angélica Alexopoulou Aγγελική Αλεξοπούλου, Greece (Ελλάδα), Profesora titular de Universidad, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Καθηγήτρια του Πανεπιστημίου, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών
  51. Angela Dimitrakaki Άντζελα Δημητρακάκη, Greece (Ελλάδα), Member of the 8th of March Assembly, writer and art historian, Μέλος της Συνέλευσης 8 Μάρτη, συγγραφέας και ιστορικός τέχνης
  52. Bessie Dendrinos (Vassiliki Dendrinou) Μπέσσυ Δενδρινού (Βασιλική Δενδρινού), Greece (Ελλάδα),  Professor Emerita, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), Ομότιμη Καθηγήτρια, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών
  53. Ioanna Gaitani Γαϊτάνη Γιάννα, Greece (Ελλάδα), Member of the Women´s 8 of March Assembly-Former, member of the Greek Parliament, , Μέλος Συνέλευσης Γυναικών 8 Μάρτη, πρώην βουλεύτρια του Ελληνικού Κοινοβουλίου
  54. Katerina Sergidou Κατερίνα Σεργίδου , Greece (Ελλάδα), Member of the 8 of March Assembly and Researcher of gender and feminist studies, Μέλος της Συνέλευσης 8 Μάρτη, ερευνήτρια Σπουδών Φύλου και Φεμινισμού
  55. Katerina Yiannoulia , Κατερίνα Γιαννούλια, Greece (Ελλάδα), Coordinator of the labour’s radical union META, Member of the Civil Servants’ Confederation Equality CommitteeΣυντονίστρια ΜΕΤΑ, μέλος Γραμματείας Ισότητας ΑΔΕΔΥ
  56. Maria Louka Μαρία Λούκα, Greece (Ελλάδα), Journalist – Screenwriter, Δημοσιογράφος-Σεναριογράφος
  57. Νatassa Kefallinou Νατάσα Κεφαλληνού, Greece (Ελλάδα), Communication gender expert, Centre for Gender Rights and Equality Diotima, , Σύμβουλος επικοινωνίας εξειδικευμένη σε ζητήματα φύλου Κέντρο για τα έφυλα δικαιώματα και την ισότητα, Διοτίμα
  58. Paola Revenioti, Πάολα Ρεβενιώτη, Greece (Ελλάδα), Artist-activist, καλλιτέχνης-ακτιβίστρια
  59. Rea Delveroudi,  Ρέα Δελβερούδη, Greece (Ελλάδα), Professor of linguistics Καθηγήτρια Γλωσσολογίας
  60. Sissy Vovou, Greece (Ελλάδα), Women’s Rights Organization Tomov, Σίσσυ Βωβού, Σωματείο Γυναικείων Δικαιωμάτων «Το Μωβ»
  61. Goretti Horgan, Ireland, Ulster University and Alliance for Choice Derry
  62. Lidia Cirillo, Italy, Redacción “Quaderni Viola”
  63. Nadia De Mond, Italy, Redacción “Quaderni Viola”
  64. Andrea Peniche, Portugal, Activista feminista del colectivo A Colectiva
  65. Andreia Quartau, Portugal, Activista feminista del colectivo A Colectiva
  66. Marianna Fernandes, Switzerland, Militante de la Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres en Suiza y forma parte de la coordinación del movimiento en Europa Coordinación Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres Europa
  67. Dianne Feeley, USA, co-editor at Against the Current, Detroit, Michigan
  68. Zillah R. Eisenstein, USA, American political theorist and gender studies scholar and Emerita Professor of the Department of Politics at Ithaca College
  69. Judy Rebick, Canada, Founding publisher of caand author of Occupy This!
  70. Ofelia García, USA, Professor Emerita, CUNY
  71. Alissa Trotz, Canada, Professor, Caribbean Studies and Women and Gender Studies, University of Toronto
  72. Deborah Cowen, Canada, Professor, Geography & Planning, University of Toronto
  73. El Jones, Canada, Assistant Professor, Department of Political and Canadian Studies, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax
  74. Meg Luxton, Canada, Professor, York University, Toronto
  75. Sedef Arat-Koc, Canada, Associate Professor, X, formerly Ryerson University, Toronto
  76. Shahrzad Mojab, Canada, Professor, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education, OISE/University of Toronto
  77. Luci Cavallero, Argentina, Socióloga e investigadora en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, activista en el colectivo feminista argentino “Ni una menos”
  78. Maristella Svampa, Argentina, Socióloga y escritora, Pacto ecosocial del Sur
  79. Moira Millan, Argentina, Mujeres indígenas por el Buen Vivir y lideresa del pueblo mapuche
  80. Bruna Biondi, Brazil, Concejala de São Caetano do Sul, SP, Mujeres por Más Derechos
  81. Camila Valadão, Brazil, Concejala de Vitória, Espírito Santo, PSOL
  82. Debora Diniz, Brazil, Antropóloga femenista e investigadora
  83. Fernanda Mechiona, Brazil, Diputada nacional PSOL-Rio Grande do Sul
  84. Heloísa Helena, Brazil, Vocera de Rede, Red Sustentabilidad
  85. Juliana Gomes Curvelo, Brazil, Concejala de Osasco, SP del Movimiento Ativoz
  86. Luana Alves, Brazil, Concejala de São Paulo, PSOL
  87. Linda Brasil, Brazil, Concejala de Aracaju, Sergipe, PSOL
  88. Lucian Boiteux, Brazil, Abogada, docente e investigadora femenista de Rio de Janeiro
  89. Luciana Genro, Brazil, Diputada estadual, provincial de Rio Grande do Sul
  90. Mariana Conti, Brazil, Concejala de Campinas, SP PSOL
  91. Mônica Seixas, Brazil, Diputada estadual, provincial de São Paulo, PSOL
  92. Samia Bonfim, Brazil, Diputada nacional PSOL-São Paulo
  93. Sonia Guajajara, Brazil, Lidereza de la Asociación de los Pueblos Indígenas de Brasil, APIB
  94. Vivi Reis, Brazil, Diputada nacional PSOL-Pará
  95. Alondra Carrillo Vidal, Chile, Miembro de la Convención Constitucional de Chile
  96. Karina Nohales, Chile, Militante de la Coordinadora Feminista 8M de Chile, feminista anticapitalista y
  97. Mia Dragnic, Chile, Socióloga, militante CF8M
  98. Pierina Ferretti, Chile, Doctoral candidate in Latin American Studies at the University of Chile
  99. Ángela María Robledo, Colombia, Feminista y ex-congresista
  100. Juana Afanador, Colombia, Socióloga
  101. Jomary Ortegon Osorio, Colombia, Abogada defensora de derechos humanos
  102. María Eugenia Ramírez Brisneda, Colombia, Directora ejecutiva del Instituto Latinoamericano para una Sociedad y un Derecho Alternativos, ILSA
  103. Norma Enríquez Riascos, Colombia, Ex-coordinadora regional del Comité Latinoamericano y Caribeño para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer, CLADEM
  104. Piedad Córdoba Ruiz, Colombia, Senadora electa por el Pacto Histórico
  105. Sara Tufano, Colombia, Socióloga, feminista y columnista
  106. Miriam Miranda, Honduras, Militante de la organización Fraternal Negra de Honduras, OFRANEH
  107. Araceli Osorio Martínez, Mexico, Defensora de DDHH y madre de Lesvy Berlín Rivera Osorio, víctima de feminicidio
  108. Guiomar Rovira Sancho, Mexico, Académica e investigadora en la UAM-Xoximilco
  109. Josefina Chávez, Mexico, Directora de «Cuadernos Feministas»
  110. Lucía Nuñez Rebolledo, Mexico, Abogada e investigadora en el centro de investigaciones y estudios de género UNAM
  111. Margara Millán, Mexico, Socióloga y antropóloga social, Red de Feminismos Descoloniales
  112. Samanta Zaragoza Luna, Mexico, Profesora investigadora de la UACM-Plantel San Lorenzo Tezonco
  113. Tania O. Valadez George, Mexico, CSR, integrante de Feministas Voz de Maiz y profesora en la UNAM
  114. Yolanda Pineda López, Mexico, Profesora Investigadora de la UACM-Plantel San Lorenzo Tezonco
  115. Mónica Baltodano, Mexico, Exiliada política nicaragüense y ex dirigenta del MRS
  116. Virginia Zavala, Peru, University Professor
  117. Natalia Santos Orozco, Puerto Rico, Profesora de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, integrante de Democracia Socialista de Puerto Rico
  118. Pamela Philipose, India, ombudsperson, The Wire.in
  119. Soma Marik, India, Associate Professor of History, RKSM Vivekananda Vidyabhavan


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