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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lakbima editor Saman Wagaarachchi questioned by CID over a photo caption re Defence sec Rajapaksha’s wife



Editor of the Lakbima newspaper Saman Wagaarachchi is being questioned at the Criminal Investigation Devision of the Sri Lanka Police over a  photo caption in his news paper. The photo in quesion shows the wife of powerful Defence Secrataty’s wife Ayoma Rajapaksha byuing at military  stall of a new year market. The photo appered on page 8 of the 7 April issue of the news paper .

Tha caption in large fonts: isn’t it fake notes?
The caption ‘ Isn’t ot fake notes’ must have been inserted in relation to 2 million worth SLR  fake currency notes deposited by former President R. Premadasa’s daughter Dulangali Premaada recently. The bank immediatly found out the notes were fake.


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