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Monday, July 22, 2024

“Govt Lost 02 Dep. Ministers 04 PC Members & 34 PS Members After President’s Thirupathy Visit”: Harin

Opposition Leader of the Uva Provincial Council and former UNP Parliamentarian Harin Fernando said President Mahinda Rajapaksa lost two Hindu deputy ministers of his government following his trip to Thirupathy with former UNP General Secretary Tissa Attanayake.

“In addition,” he said, “four Provincial Councilors and 34 Pradeshiya Sabha members have also left the ruling party and extended their support to Common Candidate Maithripala Sirisena.”

Fernando made these remarks referring to the crossovers of P. Digambaram and V. Ramakrishnan who attended a press conference this evening at the Opposition’s Leaders Office after joining the common opposition. With this new move, the ruling party has lost four Parliamentarians from the Nuwaraeliya District over the past three weeks.

Previously P. Rajathurai and Navin Dissanayake, who represent the Nuwaraeliya District, also joined the opposition.

With the latest crossovers, the government has so far left 13 Parliamentarians and managed to get the support of two defectors of the United National Party, including its General Secretary Tissa Attanayake.

Meanwhile, addressing media at the Opposition Leader’s Office, Fernando said he would not leave the party, but he would change the composition of the Uva Provincial Council in the near future. He has already stated that he would topple the Provincial Council with the support of three defectors from the ruling party.

Commenting on rumours, Fernando said there was no meeting with Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa yesterday and he was in Kandy, participating in the election rally held in support of the Common Candidate of the opposition.

[Courtesy Sri Lanka Mirror]



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