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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Gotabhaya does not care about US resolution

Defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa says he is not bound to implement the resolution adopted at the UNHRC in Geneva.

Expressing his opposition to the resolution, he said that he would neither care about it, lankacnews.com reports.

According to him, the African, Middle Eastern and other Asian countries who had abstained at the vote, are opposing the resolution.

Even certain European countries have voted against resolution had done to due to their link with the EU, he said.

Sri Lanka will implement the LLRC recommendations in its own way, said the defence secretary, adding that he is opposed to US or any other foreign agent visiting Sri Lanka.

No one would be allowed to act against Sri Lanka due to this resolution, he added.

Meanwhile, president Mahinda Rajapaksa has stressed to his ministers and MPs that his government has not been affected by the resolution.

We knew that we would face such situations after the war, he added.


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