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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Buddhist extremists warn Sl Muslim groups of dire consequences if Boro Budur destroyed

[Photos of the protest; Sunday Times]
“If any Muslim extremist group attack the world heritage of Boro Budur Buddhist temple Complex in Indonesia which consists of 504 Buddha statues the extremist groups in Sri Lanka would have to face the consequences”, said The General secretary Ittakande Saddathissa thero of the Ravana Balaya. reportes The Sunday Times

Although the thero, knowm buddhist extremist, did not elaboreate on who the extremist groups in Sri Lanka are, it is undestood he meant Muslim rights groups that campaign for religios freedom in Sri Lanka.

The “Ravana Balaya” protested in front of the Indonesian embassy in Colombo against the Sunni Muslim extremist group who have threatened to destroy Boro Budur Buddhist temple Complex in Indonesia.

“If any Muslim extremist group attack the world heritage of which consists of 504 Buddha statues the extremist groups in Sri Lanka would have to face the consequences”, he said. The thero also said the Sri Lankan government must take action to close down slaughter houses, brothels and bars and pubs near Dalada Maligawa area, the Sunday Times reported.
– See more at: http://sundaytimes.lk/news/rawana-balaya-protests-front-indonesian-embassy.html#sthash.J14jChre.dpuf


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