12.3 C
Sunday, October 6, 2024

Minister threatens Magistrate and sends thugs to stone Courts- MaRa’s model in the making

Minister Rishard

We are indeed very sad to report a most disdainful and despicable incident from Mannar demonstrating that the judiciary has been pushed into the worst predicament and humiliation as never before in the history of SL.
The Rajapakse regime which is ruling this country with a bunch of criminals , crooks and hooligans has now resorted to threatening and hurling stones at Judges of courts who bow to the sacrosanct traditions of the judiciary and act justly and pass judgments duly , but of course not falling in line with the Rajapakse illegal edicts.

It is also reported that the Govt. had moved heaven and earth to suppress the print and electronic media from revealing this incident. However the Lanka e news that is always first with its news and dares to face any Govt. intimidation is in receipt of a first hand report :

On the 16th , Minister Rishard Badurdeen has sent his stooges and hooligans and attacked the fisher folks at a location in Mannar. The police performing its duty duly had reported the incident to the courts. The Mannar Magistrate D.J. Judson has then ordered the court to take immediate action against all those responsible for this attack ,arrest and produce them before court irrespective of their power or position.

On the 17th , Minister Badurdeen has telephoned the Magistrate Judson. The Minister had told the Magistrate that it was his ‘people’ who were the assailants in this attack , and therefore not to take any action against them. The Magistrate had politely educated the brute of a Minister who does not know the basics of laws , that he ought to know that even his speaking to the Magistrate in regard to a case in courts is illegal, let alone phoning him ; and not try to teach him the law. The Minister who was obviously enraged , had threatened the Magistrate ‘ okay , we will see. I will set fire to Mannar’ the Minister has screamed.

Thereafter on today18th noon , the Minister had sent his henchmen and hooligans to chant slogans against the Magistrate in a most vilifying and humiliating manner and staged protests in front of the Court . The Minister had also instigated his ‘ people’ to hurl stones at the Magistrate court where Judge Judson hears cases , and the high court where Judge Diyanendran hears cases, whereby the courts were devastated . Later the police had taken 8 suspects into custody. In the clash 3 police man also injured.

It is most noteworthy that this is the first time in the history of SL such lawless and murderous attacks have been launched : a judge coming under direct threat from a Minister , and the latter subsequently sending his gangs and goons to attack the courts .It is the consensus that under the murderous MaRa regime which is bragging of making SL a model of Asia , these incidents are what MaRa going to use to build his model.

Since this is a most grave and perilous situation never before faced by the SL ‘s judiciary , the Magistrates’ association has summoned an emergency meeting tomorrow(19).

Since this incident is going to militate against the Govt. in view of the forthcoming elections, the regime had threatened the print media and electronic media Institutions against publishing this story , according to reports.


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