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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Third Attack in One Day: Teargas, Water Cannons Against University Students

[Police using water cannons on students]

Police today used teargas and water cannons against students affiliated with the Inter University Students Federation who marched  towards Parliament demanding immediate solutions to their problems, reports Asian Mirror

The Nation reports that around 3000 students representing universities island-wide participated in the protest, shouting slogans and urging the State protect free education.

This was the third attack that took place on today (21st October). Protesting fishers came under attack by pro-government group in Colombo in the morning. Then opposition UNP MPs were attacked by pro-government thugs while they were on a inspection tour of misuse of government property. Third attack was on protesting University students. 12 students were hospitalised as a result of the attack, reports lankaenews.

‘The Student protest was organized to force the government consider nine demands, including raising the Mahapola allowance to Rs 5000, Allocating 6% of the budget for education and stop suppression of university students. Other demands included closure of private universities, end militarization of universities.

As the protesters reached Parliament entrance road, Police closed off the roads in the area and anti-riot squads prevented them from proceeding. They erected barricades but when they were pushed down, police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the students and as a result, a tense situation occurred in the area.

After the situation became calm, the students sat on the road and the Convener of IUSF Najith Indika spoke to them. He criticized the government for attacking them although they have marched in defense of free education,’ reports Asian Mirror.



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