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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

450 Sri Lankans of all wakes of life call on Rights Commissioner to respond re dreadful ATA

Image: UN Rights Commissioner Volker Türk

11th April, 2023

To: Diplomatic Missions in Colombo

Proposed Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) in Sri Lanka

We, the undersigned organisations and individuals from Sri Lanka write to you regarding the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA)[1] proposed by the Government of Sri Lanka. The ATA was published in the official government gazette on 17th March 2023 and issued on 22nd March 2023. Indications are that it may be tabled in Parliament in late April 2023 after which it could be enacted as law in May 2023 if approved by Parliament.

We categorically state that the ATA, which is intended to replace the draconian Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA), is an even more serious threat to democracy in Sri Lanka. We are demanding that the Government withdraw this atrocious proposed law with immediate effect and repeal the Prevention of Terrorism Act. We seek your support in this endeavour.

Draconian features of the ATA

The definition of ‘terrorism’ in the ATA is not in compliance with international guidelines and casts a wide net over ordinary criminal offences (Clauses 3, 8, 9, 10,11, 12 and 16). The ATA empowers:

  • Any Deputy Inspector General of Police to detain a person without a judge having meaningful oversight (Clause 31).
  • Any Senior Superintendent of Police can obtain from court curfew-like Orders (not to enter any specified area/premises, not to leave a specified area/premises and remain within a specified area, not to travel on any road, and not to transport anything or anybody) (Clause 61).
  • The President to proscribe organisations (Clause 82), to apply for Restriction Orders restraining persons in various ways (Clause 83), to declare curfew for 24-hour periods (a power currently provided only under the Public Security Ordinance to be used in public security situations with Parliamentary oversight), to declare ‘Prohibited Places’ (Clause 85), and to potentially make law in the form of ‘regulations’ and ‘directions’ relating to the Police and Military (Clauses 98 & 99).
  • The Police to seize movable property (not land) for 3 days and ask a Magistrate to extend the detention of property for 90 days (Clause 86).
  • The Attorney General, without having to prove a suspect’s guilt, incentivizes them to accept rehabilitation and other penalties (Clause 100).
  • The Military to exercise powers of arrest, search persons and places, and take documents and articles to the military (Clauses 20 & 22) militarising civilian administration.
  • Imposing the death penalty, overriding the moratorium on its use in place since 1976.
  • The State to remove protections granted to suspects under ordinary criminal law (Clauses 57, 58, 59, 67, 71 & 80)

Disingenuous Intent of the Government of Sri Lanka

The Government of Sri Lanka has disingenuously proposed a law with a far greater capacity to infringe the human rights of its citizens than the PTA. The ATA both retains and enhances PTA provisions that will shrink the space for active civilian participation in democracy, subject communities to intensive state surveillance, and militarise the State, thus intensifying the damage done by the PTA.

Sri Lanka must respond to the history of abuses and violations under the PTA

The PTA has been the source of countless human rights violations. Many Tamils detained under the PTA have spent up to 16 years in detention under the PTA before being acquitted by courts as not guilty. Since 2019, many Muslims have also been similarly detained. The PTA has also been used to unjustly detain lawyers, religious leaders, journalists, student activists, opposition politicians and human rights activists from all ethnic communities. Many PTA detainees have been subjected to horrendous torture. Commitments to replace the PTA cannot be used to introduce even worse, anti-democratic legislation, such as the ATA.

Sri Lankans are united in their call for repeal of the PTA

Sri Lankans have called for the repeal of the PTA for many years. Over the past two years, there have been concerted public campaigns, including by PTA victims and their families, opposition politicians, religious and community leaders, and lawyers to repeal the PTA. Previous attempts to reform the PTA (such as in 2022) and replace it with similar laws (such as in 2018) were cosmetic efforts to appease national and international pressure, without any genuine intention to address the massive rights violations accrued under it.

The ATA is a mockery of compliance with international commitments

In 2015, the Sri Lankan Government pledged to repeal the PTA and to replace it with, “anti-terrorism legislation in accordance with contemporary international best practices,” through UN Human Rights Council resolution 30/1, when the present Executive President was the Prime Minister. However, a careful analysis of the ATA reveals that the overarching content, tone and spirit are far from compliant with international best practices. The few positive features of the ATA are those that should be part of the ordinary criminal legal system. The ATA’s negatives far outweigh the positives in terms of the dangers to human rights, rule of law and democracy.

Rising domestic agitation against the ATA

Since the publication of the ATA, it has been widely condemned in Sri Lanka, including by opposition politicians, trade unions, academics, legal experts, religious and community leaders, and PTA victims and their families, through discussions, street protests and media.[2] Regional and International human rights groups have also condemned the ATA.[3]

Our legitimate concerns

Given the limitations in the legal system and difficulties for citizens to challenge draft laws such as the ATA in the Supreme Court[4], the highly political nature of this government initiative and our past experiences in judicially challenging attempts at replacing or reforming the PTA, it is unlikely we will get adequate redress from petitioning the Supreme Court to prevent the ATA’s enactment.

It is our considered and consistent position that the PTA must be repealed, and must not be replaced with any legislation that contains any extraordinary executive powers. If absolutely necessary, subject to a process of consultation with particularly affected individuals and communities and relevant experts, well-defined new offences could be introduced to the Penal Code and subject to normal criminal law safeguards.

Given all this, we urge you to utilise your esteemed offices and the diplomatic, political and economic relations you have with the present Sri Lankan government to take a principled position to promote and protect human rights, rule of law and democracy for all Sri Lankans. We urge you to take a firm stance on the fact that the overall content, tone and spirit of the ATA not only makes reform meaningless, but undermines Sri Lanka’s commitment to a counter-terrorism legal framework compliant with human rights protections.

Specifically, we call on you to urge the Sri Lankan Government to:

  1. Immediately withdraw the proposed Anti Terrorism Act gazetted on 17th March 2023. 
  2. Commit to an immediate moratorium on the use of the PTA and take expeditious measures to repeal it.
  3. Consider the extensive array of existing terrorism-related legislation in Sri Lanka, including the terrorism-related offences in the Penal Code, as part of Sri Lanka’s compliance with international obligations to have comprehensive legislation to counter terrorism. 
  1. Review the existing legal framework for countering terrorism to identify any specific offences against the State that need to be introduced; draft well defined offences for insertion into the Penal Code which is subject to the safeguards in the Criminal Procedure Code; and make any deviations from normal safeguards afforded to criminal suspects proportionate and justified and publish these for public consultation prior to enactment.

We attach herewith a six-page detailed analysis with background and key concerns related to the ATA. We are very open to engage in further discussions on this with you.

We look forward to your response.


  1. Mr. Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
  2. Ms. Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while counter-terrorism
  3. Regional and International human rights organisations





  1. Amali Wedagedara
  2. Aruni Samarakoon – University of Ruhuna
  3. Dr. Ajith Jayasekara – Consultant Psychiatrist/Sr. Lecturer, University of Ruhuna
  4. Dr. Farah Mihlar
  5. Dr. Farzana Haniffa – University of Colombo
  6. Dr. Geethika Dharmasinghe – Colgate University
  7. Dr. Kaushalya Ariyarathne
  8. Dr. Kaushalya Perera – University of Colombo
  9. Dr. Mahendran Thiruvarangan – University of Jaffna
  10. Dr. Nilu Anandappa – Educationist, NICE International School
  11. Dr. Ranil D. Guneratne (Retired)
  12. Dr. Ruvan Weerasinghe – University of Colombo
  13. Dr. Sanjana Hattotuwa
  14. Dushyanthi Mendis – University of Colombo
  15. Hasini Lecamwasam – University of Peradeniya
  16. Kanchana N. Ruwanpura
  17. M. Sitralega – Academic / Scholar /Independent Researcher
  18. Maduranga Kalugampitiya – University of Peradeniya
  19. Mario Gomez
  20. Nadeesh de Silva – Open University of Colombo
  21. Nicola Perera – University of Colombo
  22. Pasan Jayasinghe
  23. Pavithra Kailasapathy
  24. Prof. Ajit Abeysekera – Scientist
  25. Prof. Arjuna Parakrama – University of Peradeniya
  26. Prof. Camena Guneratne
  27. Prof. Sivamohan Sumathy – University of Peradeniya
  28. S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole
  29. Sakuntala Kadirgamar
  30. Shamala Kumar – University of Peradeniya
  31. Sharika Thiranagama – Stanford University
  32. T. Sanathanan
  33. Thiyagaraja Waradas


Activists/Trade Unionists

  1. A. Ajitha
  2. A.M. Nandawathi Hamine
  3. Amalini De Sayrah
  4. Amila Pradeep Kumara Jayathilaka
  5. Amila Sandaruwan
  6. Anberiya Hanifa
  7. Anithra Varia
  8. Anthony Vinoth
  9. Anuratha Rajaretnam
  10. Anuruddha Bandara – Social Activist
  11. Anushaya Collure
  12. Aruna Paul – Social Activist
  13. Asanka Abeyratne
  14. Ashila Dandeniya
  15. Ashoka Weerasinghe
  16. Asma Edris
  17. B. Gowthaman
  18. B. Sukitha
  19. Buhari Mohamed
  20. Buwanaka Perera
  21. C. Tozer – Women’s Rights Activist
  22. Chamila Thushari
  23. Chandra Devanarayana
  24. Chandra Jayarathne
  25. Channaka Jayasinghe
  26. Chathuranga M. Pradeep Kumara
  27. Chintaka Rajapakse
  28. Christine Perera
  29. D.W. Jayasinghe
  30. Dammika Munasinghe
  31. Deekshya Illangasinghe
  32. Devinda Kodagoda
  33. Dhanusha Pathirana
  34. Ekeshawara Kottegoda Vithana
  35. Faizun Zackariya
  36. Fathima Nabeela Iqbal
  37. Francis Raajan
  38. G.M.I.S. Galappaththi
  39. G.R. Gunasena
  40. G.V.D. Tilakasiri
  41. Godfrey Yogarajah
  42. H.M. Chathurika Sewwanadi
  43. H.R.R. Karunarathne
  44. Hari Prasath
  45. Hasanah Cegu Isadeen
  46. Hemamali Abeyrathna
  47. Herman Kumara
  48. I.M.S.M. Munasinghe
  49. Iromi Perera
  50. J.L.R.C. Liyanage – Political Activist
  51. J.M.S. Jayasinghe
  52. J. Thayalini
  53. J. Varayalini
  54. Jananthan Thavarajah
  55. Jansila Majeed
  56. Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala
  57. Jeana De Zoysa
  58. Jeremy R. Liyanage – Bridging Lanka
  59. Joanne Senn – Counselling Psychologist
  60. Joseph Stalin
  61. Jothiraj Jegan
  62. Juwairiya Mohideen
  63. K. A. Karunarathne
  64. K. Hemalatha
  65. K.J. Brito Fernando
  66. K. Nihal Ahamed
  67. K. Saththiyaseelan
  68. Kalani Subasinghe
  69. Lucille Abeykoon
  70. M.A.A. Bawa
  71. M.A. Wahid
  72. M.K. Jayathissa
  73. M. Nirmalathevi
  74. Madurani Rambukwella
  75. Mahalaxumy Kurushanthan
  76. Malinga Prasad Jayaratna
  77. Malith Indika Jayarathna
  78. Mareen Nilashani
  79. Mario Arulthas
  80. Marisa de Silva
  81. Marisa Fernando
  82. Melani Gunathilaka
  83. Minoli de Almeida – Association for Constructive Engagement
  84. Mirak Raheem
  85. Muthulingam Periyasamy
  86. N. Arththigan
  87. Nadishani Perera
  88. Natasha Vanhoff
  89. Nihal Weeraratne
  90. Nilshan Fonseka
  91. Nishanthini Stalin George – Women’s Rights Activist
  92. P.A.P. Vinitha
  93. P.G. Weerasinghe
  94. P. Morin Rose
  95. P.N. Singham
  96. P. Sampath Gunathilake
  97. Paba Deshapriya
  98. Padma Pushpakanthi
  99. Perumal Saroja
  100. Philip Setunga
  101. Piyathilaka Ranaweera
  102. Prasad Welikumbura
  103. Prasantha Dinesh Kumara
  104. Puni Selvaratnam
  105. Pyara Ratnayake
  106. R. Karunathilake
  107. R. Kounthini
  108. R. Robinson
  109. R. Saththiya
  110. R. Yogeshwari
  111. Rajany Chandrasegaram
  112. Rajkumar Rajeevkanth
  113. Ranjan Senanayake
  114. Ranjithlal Samarawikrama
  115. Ranjith Senarathna
  116. Rebecca David
  117. Renuka Badrakanthi
  118. Rizani Hamin – Women’s Rights Activist
  119. Rosanna Flamer-Caldera
  120. Roshen Sameera
  121. Ruki Fernando
  122. Ruvinda Dilshan
  123. S. Easwary
  124. S. Ethayarani
  125. S.H. Razik
  126. S. Kopika
  127. S. Mariyarosalin
  128. S. Niththika
  129. S. Sendil Sivaganam
  130. S. Sivagurunathan
  131. S. Suganthi
  132. S.T. Ganeshalingam
  133. S. Tharsan
  134. S. Thileepan
  135. Sabrina Symons
  136. Sandunika Nimali Sirisena – Student Activist
  137. Sandun Thudugala
  138. Sandya Ekneligoda
  139. Sankhitha Gunaratne
  140. Sarala Emmanuel
  141. Shafinaz Hassendeen
  142. Sheila Richards
  143. Shenali Perera
  144. Shivantha Rathnayake
  145. Shreen Saroor
  146. Shyamala Gomez
  147. Singarasa Jeevanayagam – Kilinochchi District Citizen Committee
  148. Sirany Thevakumar
  149. Sithara Kularathna
  150. Sriyawathi Menike
  151. Suchith Abeyewickreme – Civic Activist
  152. Sujeewa Priyadarshani
  153. Sujith Kuruwita
  154. Sumana Panditharathne
  155. Suneth Anurakumara
  156. Suresh Duminda
  157. Swarna Amarasinghe
  158. T.G. Jayawikrama
  159. T.M. Bala
  160. T.M. Janoor
  161. Terence Gamini
  162. Thushara Gallessage
  163. Upul Dasanayake
  164. V. Shamini
  165. Vaas Gunawardena
  166. Vanie Simon – Women’s Rights Activist
  167. Vasuki Jeyasankar – Women’s Rights Activist & Artist, Batticaloa
  168. Vidarshana Kannangara
  169. Visakha Tillekeratne
  170. W.B. Samitha Madurangi
  171. W.F. Priyankara Costa
  172. W.K. Mallawaarachchi
  173. W.M. Chathura Nishan
  174. W.M. Nandadewa
  175. Wijepala Weerakoon
  176. Zaharan Mohomed



  1. Ajith Kumarasiri
  2. Asanka Senadeera
  3. Ashfaque Mohamed – Film Director
  4. Bennett Rathnayake – Film Director
  5. Chandrika Gadiewasam – Freelance Writer
  6. Dilantha Perera
  7. Dinupa Kodagoda
  8. Dr. Vinoth Ramachandra
  9. Jake Oorloff
  10. Nadika Weligodapola
  11. Namini Panchala De Silva
  12. Ruwanthie de Chickera – Playwright
  13. Sulochana Peiris – Writer/Researcher/Documentary maker



  1. Rev. Ajit Perera
  2. Rev. Andrew Devadason – Vicar, St. Paul’s Church, Milagiriya
  3. Rev. Dr. Jayasiri T. Peiris
  4. Rev. Fr. Bennette Mellawa – Director, Caritas Anuradhapura
  5. Rev. Fr. F.C.J. Gnanaraj (Nehru)
  6. Rev. Fr. Jeevantha Peiris
  7. Rev. Fr. Jeyabalan Croos
  8. Rev. Fr. M. Sathivel
  9. Rev. Fr. Nandana Manatunga
  10. Rev. Fr. Sarath Iddamalgoda
  11. Rev. Fr. Terence Fernando
  12. Rev. Sr. Deepa Fernando
  13. Rev. Sr. M.J. Vijaya
  14. Rev. Sr. Nichola Emmanuel
  15. Rev. Sr. Noel Christine Fernando
  16. Rev. Sr. Rasika Pieris
  17. Rev. W.P. Ebenezer Joseph
  18. Tempitiye Sugathananda himi
  19. Thenne Gnanananda himi
  20. Ven. Fr. Samuel J. Ponniah
  21. Wekandawala Rahula himi – Environmentalist, School of Nature


Concerned Citizens

  1. Ahamed Farhan
  2. Aloka Weerasekara
  3. Angeline Ondaatjie
  4. Anil De Silva
  5. Anu Piyasena
  6. Aparna Somachandra
  7. Asela Fernando
  8. Bulathsinhalage Chamila Niroshani
  9. Catherine Mack
  10. Chaamindrie Jayasinghe
  11. Chaminda Dias
  12. Chanaka Karunarathne
  13. Chandima Nilantha Rathnapriya
  14. Christopher Stephen
  15. Damith Kethaka
  16. Dilshan Bulathsinghala
  17. Dinali de Zoysa
  18. Dino De Fonseka
  19. Dr. Mareena Thaha Reffai – Almuslimaath
  20. Feriyal Sherrif
  21. Hashantha Fernando
  22. Hilary N. Wirasinha
  23. Hussain Shamil
  24. Imran Rajabdeen
  25. Indresh Fernando
  26. Ingrid Guruge
  27. Jayasiri Guruge
  28. Jehanki Anandha
  29. Jehan Pieris
  30. Jude Perera
  31. Lal Motha
  32. Leisha Lawrence
  33. Kishan Wanduragala
  34. M.N.A. Fernando
  35. Mal Fernando
  36. Manel Wickramathunge
  37. Manik Rodrigo
  38. Maubrey Ginige
  39. Mohanie Ahangama
  40. N.D. Wickramapala
  41. N.D Chrishanthi
  42. Nadeem Lebbe
  43. Nadhie Perera
  44. Nagulan Nesiah
  45. Niloufer Anverally
  46. Pearly Hannan
  47. Peter Rezel – Chartered Accountant
  48. Pradeep Kodikara
  49. R.M.H.K. Bandara
  50. Raj Senewiratne
  51. Ramyani Ratnayake
  52. Ranjith de Silva
  53. Redley Silva
  54. Reza Lebbe
  55. Reza Sulaiman
  56. Rhuan Rambukwelle
  57. Rochelle Cooray
  58. Rohan Wickramaratne
  59. S.A.U.J. Samarasinghe
  60. Saif Jafferjee
  61. Sanjee Goonetilake
  62. Serena Burgess
  63. Sharmini Wickramaratne
  64. Shehani Claudette Perera
  65. Srilal Ahangama
  66. Steffan De Rosairo
  67. Tassy Dhahlan
  68. Tharindu Damith Madushan Abeyrathna
  69. Thenuka Witharana
  70. Travice Ondaatjie
  71. Udesh Fernando
  72. Veena D. Bakshi
  73. Yasantha Chamara Jayasooriya



  1. Aadhil Ali Sabry
  2. Buddika Gayan Samaraweera
  3. Chamara Sampath
  4. Dilrukshi Handunnetti, AAL
  5. Indunil Usgoda Arachchi
  6. J.A. Jorge
  7. Kumari Fernando
  8. Lakshman Gunasekara
  9. M.F.M. Fazeer
  10. Maneshka Bohram
  11. Melani Manel Perera
  12. P. Nirosh Kumar
  13. Rekha Nilukshi Herath
  14. Ruwan Laknath Jayakody
  15. Sampath Samarakoon – Editor, Vikalpa.org
  16. Sandun Priyankara Vithanage
  17. Saroj Pathirana
  18. Selvaraja Rajasegar – Editor, Maatram.org
  19. Shalika Wimalasena
  20. Sithum Chathuranga⁩
  21. Sunanda Deshapriya
  22. Tharindu Jayawardhana
  23. Tharindu Uduwaragedara
  24. Tisaranee Gunasekara



  1. Ameer Faaiz, AAL
  2. Bhavani Fonseka, AAL
  3. Buddhima Padmasiri
  4. C. Ranitha Gnanarajah, AAL
  5. Ermiza Tegal, AAL
  6. Ishara M. Jayasena, AAL
  7. Jayantha Dehiaththage, AAL
  8. M. Mangaleswary Shanker, AAL
  9. Neshan Gunasekera, AAL
  10. Nuwan Bopege, AAL
  11. Prathap Welikumbura, AAL
  12. Ramalingam Ranjan, AAL
  13. Rev. Sr. Ramanie Fernando, AAL
  14. Sabra Zahid, AAL
  15. Safana Gul Begum, AAL
  16. Sarah Arumugam, AAL
  17. Soraya M. Deen
  18. Suren D. Perera, AAL
  19. Swasthika Arulingam, AAL

Medical/Health Professionals

  1. Ananda Galappatti – Medical Anthropologist
  2. Dr. C.S. Jamunanantha
  3. Dr. Dishani Hasanthika
  4. Dr. Neelika Dissanayake – Consultant Paediatrician
  5. Dr. Nilan Fernando
  6. Dr. Rajeewa Matharage
  7. Dr. Vindya Gunasekara – Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist
  8. Evangeline S. Ekanayake – Psychologist
  9. Somasundaram Norman Roshanth – Consultant Paediatrician (Acting)


  1. Affected Women’s Forum, Ampara
  2. Alliance for Minorities
  3. Ampara District Alliance for Land Rights
  4. Bakamoono.lk
  5. Caritas Sri Lanka
  6. Community Welfare and Development Fund
  7. Dabindu Collective
  8. Eastern Social Development Foundation (ESDF)
  9. Ekabadda Prejasanwardana Kantha Mahasangamaya
  10. Endearment Friend Organisation
  11. Estate Peoples Education Center
  12. Families of the Disappeared (FoD)
  13. FEF Sri Lanka Organisation
  14. Free Women
  15. Galakotuwa Farmers Organisation
  16. Gemunu Farmers Organisation
  17. Grassrooted
  18. Hodiyadeniya Farmers Organisation
  19. Human Elevation Organisation (HEO)
  20. Human Rights Office, Kandy
  21. Institute of Social Development (ISD)
  22. International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES)
  23. Islamic Women’s Association for Research and Empowerment (IWARE)
  24. Isuru Jivithodaya Foundation
  25. Janothsa Development Foundation
  26. Joint Farmer Organisation – Rajanganaya
  27. Joint Farmers Organisation – Elahera
  28. Journalist and Artist Cooperative Society, Wayamba
  29. Kandanuwara Farmers Organisation
  30. Kurunegala Human Rights Organisation
  31. Law and Society Trust (LST)
  32. Mannar Women’s Development Federation (MWDF)
  33. Mass Movement for Social Justice (MMSJ)
  34. Matale Women’s Foundation
  35. Media LK Network
  36. Movement for Defence of Democratic Rights (MDDR)
  37. Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR)
  38. Movement for Peoples’ Struggle
  39. Movement for Plantation Peoples’ Land Rights (MPPLR)
  40. Muslim Personal Law Reform Action Group (MPLRAG)
  41. Muslim Women’s Research & Action Forum
  42. Muslim Women’s Development Trust (MWDT), Puttalam
  43. National Christian Evangelical Alliance
  44. National Fisheries Solidarity Movement (NAFSO)
  45. Pathkada Community Organisation
  46. Peoples Collective of Affected for Pahala Yan Oya Dam Project
  47. People’s Alliance for Right to Land (PARL)
  48. Perakum Women Farmer Organisation
  49. Pivithuru Women Organisation
  50. Praja Abhilasha Network
  51. Pregathisheeli Farmers Association
  52. Progressive Women’s Collective
  53. Pubudu Women Farmer Organisation
  54. Rathmalkaduwa Farmers Organisation
  55. Revolutionary Existence for Human Development (RED), Katunayake
  56. Rural Development Foundation
  57. Rural Development Praja Shakthi Women Organisation
  58. Rural Women Farmer Collective
  59. Samagi Farmers Organisation
  60. Sandeshaya by Saro
  61. Satahan Media
  62. Saubagya Women Organisation
  63. Savisthri National Women’s Movement
  64. Search for Common Ground
  65. Self-Help Farmers Collective
  66. Siriliya Women Organisation
  67. Social Institute for Development of Plantation Sector (SIDPS)
  68. Sramabimani Kendraya
  69. Sri Lanka Chapter – South Asian Free Media Association
  70. Standup Movement Lanka
  71. The Methodist Church of Sri Lanka
  72. Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL)
  73. True Foundation
  74. United Farmers Organisation
  75. Upcountry Civil Society Collective (UCSC)
  76. Vallamai Movement for Social Change
  77. Vimukthi Farmers Organisation
  78. Welioya Farmers Organisation
  79. Women’s Action for Social Justice (WASJ)
  80. Women’s Action Network (WAN)
  81. Women Development Center
  82. Young Journalists’ Association – Sri Lanka
  83. Young Journalists’ Study Center
  84. YOUTH FOR CHEnge
  85. Youth Rights Collective


Trade Unions

  1. Ceylon Bank Employees Union (CBEU)
  2. Ceylon Electricity Board Engineers Union
  3. Ceylon Teachers Union (CTU)
  4. Health Workers Centre
  5. Joint Committee of Democratic Trade Unions
  6. Joint Development Officers Centre
  7. Joint Engineering Corporation Employees Union
  8. Joint Health Workers’ Union
  9. Joint Port Workers Union
  10. Joint Railway Employees Union
  11. Joint Teachers Service Union
  12. Joint Unemployed Graduates Association
  13. Joint Water Supply Workers Union
  14. Private Employees Centre
  15. Standup Workers Union
  16. United Federation of Labour (UFL)
  17. Workers Struggle Centre

Annex:ATA – commentary – ET – 24March2023 (Eng) (1)

[1] Anti Terrorism Bill – http://documents.gov.lk/files/bill/2023/3/304-2023_E.pdf

[2] For example, see – https://www.newsdrum.in/international/sri-lankas-new-counter-terrorism-draft-bill-to-be-tabled-in-parliament-this-month-pm-gunawardena, https://www.jvpsrilanka.com/english/new-anti-terrorism-act-is-an-anti-democratic-act-comrade-vijitha-herath,https://www.themorning.lk/articles/eYPiTAzjE2X8Ttz7kXxw, https://www.ft.lk/columns/Treating-protests-and-strikes-as-terrorism-ATA-requires-2-3-plus-a-referendum/4-747059 and https://www.ft.lk/columns/When-repeal-is-not-reform-An-Anti-Terrorism-Act-worse-than-the-PTA/4-746806

[3] For example, see – http://www.humanrights.asia/news/ahrc-news/AHRC-STM-007-2023/ and https://www.icj.org/sri-lanka-proposed-anti-terror-bill-set-to-introduce-death-penalty-and-break-existing-human-rights-violations-record/

[4] The challenges of challenging a draft Bill in the Supreme Court – https://www.themorning.lk/articles/190691


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